Three doors stand between your sermon and those who need to hear it. Each door must be unlocked, in this order:

  • Door #1: Your sermons must be WATCHED. This is the biggest hurdle most pastors face. The vast majority of sermons that are posted online get very few views.
  • Door #2: Your sermons must be REMEMBERED. People remember insightful messages that focus on one big idea. This is the secret of the TED talk.
  • Door #3: Your sermons must be SHARED. This is how all media content goes viral. Shared sermons reach tens of thousands of people each week.

So, how do you unlock these three doors? There’s a course for that:

Take my FREE online mini-course

My free online mini-course, The Nine Commandments of Great Online Preaching will teach you how to get your sermons:

  • WATCHED — you will learn how to:
    • Use the first 30 seconds of your message to capture interest on social media
    • Structure your message so people keep watching till the end
    • Show don’t tell. Use visuals for maximum impact. Object lessons aren’t just for kids.
    • Improve audio and video quality and defeat common technical problems that can ruin your livestream or recording
  • REMEMBERED — you will learn how to:
    • Identify the “one big idea” that will help your message stick
    • Use your phone to film 2 minute “on location” vignettes that localize your sermons
    • Use a simple sketch pad and a Sharpie to drive your core message home
    • Tighten and focus your messages to compete in the age of the TED talk
  • SHARED — you will learn how to:
    • Build “shareable minutes” within your messages to excerpt and post on social media
    • Add links for your members to share your teaching with their networks
    • Shoot a simple video promo for your message series and boost it on social media
    • Leverage your online message to bring new members into the gathered church

None of this is expensive or complicated. It doesn’t require a huge tech team or a zillion dollar budget. But it does require training and practice. If you’re ready to start, click the button below to take my free online mini-course.

Published On: January 7, 2022 / Categories: Church, Church growth, Online Preaching /

David Murrow, The Online Preaching Coach, is the author of Why Men Hate Going to Church and many other bestselling books. David is an award winning television producer whose work has been seen on ABC, NBC, PBS, CBS, Discovery Networks, BBC World Service and dozens more. He trains pastors how to make their sermons more watchable, memorable and shareable online.

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